Sunday, October 6, 2024

Willem Kruger – Police detect foul play during inquest



Nelspruit: 23 December 2023 – Police made a shocking discovery through the investigation into the sudden death of Mr Willem Kruger (29), whose lifeless body was retrieved from the Vaal River in November last year (2022) at Henbase Lodge, near Morgenzon. The investigators were hard at work and are now more convinced there was foul play.

According to a report, Mr Kruger is said to have disappeared in the early hours of 13 November 2022 after attending a bachelor’s party at Henbase Lodge, near Morgenzon. It is further reported that his friends searched for him as well as his vehicle.

After learning of his disappearance, this was formally reported to the Police. Sadly, he was found dead, and his body was taken out of the Vaal River a few days later, on 22 November 2022. His car, a white Toyota Bakkie was also retrieved from the river.

An Inquest docket was registered, and the Investigators immediately began probing. It was during the investigation that Police unearthed that the victim’s mobile phone and the vehicle’s tracker were off.

Though there were some beliefs that the victim could have taken a journey, driving back home to Groblersdal in the morning of 13 November 2022 then probably hijacked along the way.

Later, it was alleged that Mr Kruger could have driven his vehicle straight into the Vaal River not far from Henbase Lodge where the bachelor party was hosted. However, the Police Investigators followed all possible leads, and a massive search was conducted after the report made by his family at Groblersdal Police Station regarding his disappearance.

Willem Krugers Bakkie

It is said that on Monday, 14 November 2022, a search continued throughout the week until Friday, 18 November 2022 focusing mainly on the Vaal River, which is across the front of Henbase Lodge.

Various role players from the SAPS and members of the public assisted a lot with the search using various technological methods. 

It was in the morning of 22 November 2022 when his vehicle was found inside the Vaal River, shockingly in an area that was thoroughly searched earlier during the week from 14 November 2022 until 18 November 2022.

The tractor used to pull the bakkie out of the river

After the vehicle was recovered from the river, the body of a man was found inside the vehicle then later confirmed through dental records to be the body of Mr Willem Kruger.

The probe by the Police has been ongoing and an Inquest docket was opened as everybody was made to believe that Kruger drove himself into the Vaal River. Through further investigations, it was discovered that Mr Willem Kruger did not drive himself into the river.

Police also learned through investigation that the vehicle’s gear was found in park mode with its handbrake pulled up. The car keys were not found in the ignition and all of that raised some eyebrows amongst members of the investigation team.

Police are convinced that Mr Kruger as well as his vehicle were not inside the Vaal River during the week when a search was conducted.

No further details of the investigation will be shared at this stage. The SAPS investigators are working together with the National Prosecution Authority (NPA). For now, the case was changed from an inquest into murder following the alluded developments.

The Police in collaboration with the NPA are looking at the possibility of probing charges of defeating the ends of Justice on this case as well as Perjury charges against certain persons of interest whose identities cannot be revealed at this stage.

It must be noted that the Police received a lot of calls from concerned members of the public who were keen to know the status of the investigation. It is from this backdrop that the Police deemed it fit to share on the progress of the investigation of the case which has drawn a huge interest from the public.

Police further request anyone who might have valuable information that may assist further in the investigation to contact the Lead Investigator, Detective Warrant Office Vukile David Nhlapo at 067 336 2121 or call the Crime Stop number at 08600 10111. Alternatively, members of the public can send information via MYSAPSAPP. All received information will be treated as confidential and callers may opt to remain anonymous.

Meanwhile, the Provincial Commissioner of the SAPS in Mpumalanga, Lieutenant General Semakaleng Daphney Manamela has reassured the public that the team of Detectives assigned to probe this matter are seasonal Detectives who are well equipped and skilled.

The General further indicated that these members will surely produce the desired results, thereby ensuring that justice is served.

The Facebook page Geregtigheid vir Willem has the following shock post on their page.

We post it here verbatim (Appologies, as it is in Afrikaans)


Die volgende inligting is al ‘n ruk beskikbaar, maar dis tyd dat dit hier gedeel word.

  • Die voorruit van Willem se bakkie was alreeds stukkend toe dit uit die water gehaal was. (Rapport)
  • Verklarings op die toneel verskil egter of dit reeds stukkend was, of deur reddingswerkers gebreek is.
  • Willem se lyk was tussen die twee sitplekke, met voete wat vorentoe wys gevind.
  • Die agterruit van die bakkie was oop gewees, toe deur reddingswerkers toegetrek.
  • Die “aerial” van die bakkie is deur reddingswerkers afgebuig (sodat dit nie die rubberbote stukkend steek nie)
  • Die bestuurskant paneel aan die binnekant van die bakkie was afgebreek. Insluitend die handvatsel.
  • Ondersoekers sê dit dui daarop dat Willem die deur toe probeer hou het, terwyl iemand van buite af probeer oopmaak het.
  • Terwyl die bakkie gesleep was tot die oewer, het alles los by die voorruit begin uitkom.
  • Die lyk was onherkenbaar.
  • Henbase Lodge se eienaar se reuse dubbel-as trekker was gebruik om die bakkie verder uit te sleep, saam met die Gautengse soek-en-reddingseenheid se bakkies.
  • Die toneel was so versteur dat die polisie voel belangrike bewyse is weg. “Byna verwoes”
  • Die duidelike opdrag van ondersoekers en familie om die toneel uit te los, was ignoreer.
  • Op die tyd waar die bakkie ontdek was, was die ondersoekers en Kruger gesin in Pretoria.
  • Rolspelers was nog oppad na die toneel toe die bakkie reeds uitgesleep was.
  • Die misdaadverslagsentrum was veronderstel om die hele toneel en proses deeglik te monitor. Dit kon nie gedoen word nie.
  • Die privaatpatoloog kon nie vasstel hoe Willem oorlede is nie.
  • Die staatspatoloog se lykskouing is nog nie afgehandel nie.
  • Volgens Rapport se bron, al het Willem verdrink, was daar steeds vuilspel betrokke.
  • Daar 95% sekerheid dat Willem vermoor is.
  • Die slimhorlosie wat Willem gedra het, is steeds by ‘n kundige vir ondersoek.
  • Die polisie het ‘n gas van die ramparty, se Hilux bakkie geneem vir verdere ondersoek.
  • Dit na daar op CCTV vasgestel is dat die bakkie se linker- truspieltjie vorentoe gebuig was en ‘n groot duik aan die bestuurderskant. (Foto aangeheg)
  • ‘n Week later was die truspieltjie afgesny en weg.
  • Die gas het nie geweet wat geword het van die truspieltjie nie.
  • Marius Schempers het vooraf betaal vir 2 aparte kamers. Willem en Callie Reynecke sou ‘n kamer gedeel het.
  • Daar het egter ‘n ander man die aand in Willem se kamer geslaap.
  • Willem het die aand vir Mnr. Schempers probeer bel.





Uitsprake gelaat op die groep is nie die persoonlike opinie van die skrywer nie, maar gebaseer op feite en inligting wat binne die media meegedeel word.

Die skrywer vat geen verantwoordelikheid vir kommentaar geplaas deur lede van die groep nie.

Hoofbron: Rapport, 5 Februarie 2023, “Willem Kruger: Bewyse op toneel verwoes”

Foto Krediet: Rapport (5 Februarie 2023)