Monday, January 20, 2025

Sniper Protection Services: Important Decision


The focus on Sniper Security over the past weeks made for interesting reading.
Unfortunately, it also resulted in the loss of 64 jobs according to the owner, Walter Stander.
The dispute between the former employees and Sniper Security took some nasty turns when some loyal to Walter claimed that they have received death threats and threats that they might be raped.
They also had to endure abuse in public with employees of a rival company allegedly hurling insults and abuse at the Sniper workers.
Walter phoned The Bulletin and said that he decided to close the business. “I have paid for my past but people still want to dig it out and shame me with it,” Walter said.
Sniper released the following statement to The Bulletin during last week:
Over the last few weeks, Sniper Protection Services has fallen victim to mediocre media sensation, instigated by a former disgruntled employee. We have been ridiculed, our lives have been threatened and our employees have been harassed while doing their work.
The picture painted by the media about the way I run our business is not only an insult to our employees and myself, it also does not give a true reflection of the day to day operations of our company.
We have offered our community which include the farmers a valuable service and we are proud of our employees for their effort and that they stood with us during this time. We also received many messages of encouragement and support from customers and friends while dealing with this unfortunate event.
We have not been offered a fair opportunity by the media, other than a second-rated “Whatsapp voice note “ to give an honest statement of the affairs of our business.
We have obtained legal advice and will handle the matter with our legal team.
Unfortunately, with all this in mind, as well as the negative impact this had on our business, employees and customers, we had to take a decision on the future of our company that will have a negative impact on the more than forty (40) employees we have employed.
As from today, Sniper Protection Services will cease its operations with immediate effect.
Yesterday we have paid all our employees, (those who have given us their banking details), their salaries for January 2020.
We thank our customers for the opportunity to have served them as well as our employees for their hard work and being part of our company.
As the late Elvis Presley said: Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it isn’t going away.”
We thank you.
Walter Stander
PSiRA also investigated Sniper Security and decided to suspend their registration. This effectively means that Sniper is no longer able to render services as a Security company.
Here is their statement:
CENTURION, 06 February 2020- Post its media statement dated 23 January 2020, the Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority (PSiRA) has effectively suspended the registration of Sniper Protection Services and its Director, Mr Walter Stander, for alleged improper conduct.
Section 26 1(a) of PSiR Act 56 of 2001, prescribes that “If there is a prima facie case of improper conduct in terms of this Act, or of the commission of an offence referred to in the Schedule, against a security service provider, the Authority may suspend the registration of the security service provider, (a) pending the conclusion of an investigation or enquiry by the Authority into the alleged improper conduct.”
On the strength of the overwhelming evidence gathered, the Authority has therefore suspended all the operations of this security service provider.
The Authority is also considering the applicability of Section 26(4)(iii) which states that if the security officer/Director is deemed no longer a fit and proper person to render a security service; his or her registration could be withdrawn.
Accordingly, in line with the provisions of Section 26(3) of the Act, the effect of this suspension means that Sniper Protection Services and/or its Directors may not render any security service unless the prior written permission of the Authority has been obtained, but during the period of such suspension the security service provider is still bound by all the obligations of a registered security service provider provided for in the Act.