Saturday, January 18, 2025

Rachel Pearson Miss Teen Glam Finalist


Young, vibrant and confident may be used to describe Rachel Pearson.

This grade 11 student is an inspiration to everyone she meets.

Rachel entered the Miss + Miss Teen Glam South Africa and became a finalist.

The competition celebrates the beauty and strength of pageantry. They believe pageantry provides positive growth and helps shape lives. Pageantry is not a one-time event or competition, rather, it is a journey of empowerment, growth, trial and joy which yields lifelong connections and opportunities.

She is incredibly talented and has a special place for music singing in the school choir at Laerskool Goedehoop and playing Saxophone in Hoorskool Oosterland’s band. She became the South African School Band Association (SASBA) Sax Player in 2022.

Rachel also enjoys dancing and dances at CF Els Dancing school where she achieved Mpumalanga colours and 1st SA for Latin and NRG

She is very passionate about
• self-Love and confidence
• Inspiring others
• Family
• Dancing
• Hockey
• Fitness and Health
• Walk for Freedom Activist
• Academics
• Balanced Lifestyle
• Being a role model
• Medicine

She hopes to be able to study medicine and has a special interest in prosthetics.

Rachel needs your support though, in becoming Miss Teen Glam South Africa.

Your votes are needed.
The votes are R5 each and can be done by depositing into the competition’s bank account.

Vote By Depositing To
Bank: Standard Bank
Account: 1015 101 3223
(R20 = 5 Votes, R100 = 25 Votes, R200 = 50 Votes, R300 = 75 Votes)

Reference: Finalist Name + Surname
Proof of Payment to 078 393 9740

Let us stand together and help her achieve this goal.