Sunday, January 19, 2025

UPDATE: National lockdown confirmed


SA will go into a 21-day national lockdown starting at midnight on Thursday, 26 March, to combat the spread of the COVID-19 virus, President Cyril Ramaphosa has announced. 

“Over the past week, as we have been implementing these measures, the global crisis has deepened. When I addressed the nation last Sunday there were over 160,000 confirmed COVID-19 cases worldwide.

Today, there are over 340,000 confirmed cases across the world.

In South Africa, the number of confirmed cases has increased six-fold in just eight days from 61 cases to 402 cases. This number will continue to rise,” said President Ramaphosa.

The President made it clear that the government’s fundamental task is to contain the spread of the disease.

President Ramaphosa continued: “It is essential that every person in this country adheres strictly – and without exception – to the regulations that have already been put in place and to the measures that I am going to announce this evening.”

Following the announce of the Nationwide Lockdown, President Ramaphosa said that the will be enacted in terms of the Disaster Management Act and will entail the following:

– From midnight on Thursday 26 March until midnight on Thursday 16 April, all South Africans will have to stay at home.

– The categories of people who will be exempted from this lockdown are the following: health workers in the public and private sectors, emergency personnel, those in security services – such as the police, traffic officers, military medical personnel, soldiers – and other persons necessary for our response to the pandemic.

– It will also include those involved in the production, distribution and supply of food and basic goods, essential banking services, the maintenance of power, water and telecommunications services, laboratory services and the provision of medical and hygiene products. A full list of essential personnel will be published.

– Individuals will not be allowed to leave their homes except under strictly controlled circumstances, such as to seek medical care, buy food, medicine and other supplies or collect a social grant.

– Temporary shelters that meet the necessary hygiene standards will be identified for homeless people. Sites are also being identified for quarantine and self-isolation for people who cannot self-isolate at home.

– All shops and businesses will be closed, except for pharmacies, laboratories, banks, essential financial and payment services, including the JSE, supermarkets, petrol stations and health care providers.

– Companies that are essential to the production and transportation of food, basic goods and medical supplies will remain open.

 We will publish a full list of the categories of businesses that should remain open.

– Companies whose operations require continuous processes such as furnaces, underground mine operations will be required to make arrangements for care and maintenance to avoid damage to their continuous operations.

 – Firms that are able to continue their operations remotely should do so.

 – Provision will be made for essential transport services to continue, including transport for essential staff and for patients who need to be managed elsewhere.

President Ramaphosa has also directed that the South African National Defence Force be deployed. This is to support the South African Police Service. By doing this, the President is ensuring that the measures that were announced are being implemented accordingly.

The nationwide lockdown will be complemented by a public health management programme which will significantly increase screening, testing, contact tracing and medical management. There will be community health teams that will focus on screening and testing people. These teams will be focusing on high density and high-risk areas.

Hospitals might become overcrowded with patient flow but a system will be put into place for ‘centralised patient management’ for severe cases and ‘decentralised primary care’ for mild cases.

Further measures that were put into place:

  • Emergency water supplies – using water storage tanks, water tankers, boreholes and communal standpipes – are being provided to informal settlements and rural areas
  • -South African citizens and residents arriving from high-risk countries will automatically be placed under quarantine for 14 days.
  • Non-South Africans arriving on flights from high-risk countries we prohibited a week ago will be turned back.
  • International flights to Lanseria Airport will be temporarily suspended.
  • International travellers who arrived in South Africa after 9 March 2020 from high-risk countries will be confined to their hotels until they have completed a 14-day period of quarantine.

The President also spoke about interventions that will be put into place and said that these interventions will be quick and targeted.

“Firstly, we are supporting the vulnerable.”

– Following consultation with social partners, we have set up a Solidarity Fund, which South African businesses, organisations and individuals, and members of the international community, can contribute to.

– The Fund will focus efforts to combat the spread of the virus, help us to track the spread, care for those who are ill and support those whose lives are disrupted.

– The Fund will complement what we are doing in the public sector.

I am pleased to announce that this Fund will be chaired by Ms Gloria Serobe and the deputy Chairperson is Mr Adrian Enthoven.

The Fund has a website – – and you can begin to deposit monies into the account tonight 

The government has seeded R 150 million into the fund and the private sector has also pledged to assist. The Rupert and Oppenheimer families have each made a commitment of R1 billion each to assist small businesses and their employees affected by the coronavirus pandemic.

The President continued:

– We are concerned that there are a number of businesses that are selling certain goods at excessively high prices. This cannot be allowed.

– Regulations have been put in place to prohibit unjustified price hikes, to ensure shops maintain adequate stocks of basic goods and to prevent people from ‘panic buying’.

– A safety net is being developed to support persons in the informal sector, where most businesses will suffer as a result of this shutdown. More details will be announced as soon as we have completed the work of assistance measures that will be put in place.

– To alleviate congestion at payment points, old age pensions and disability grants will be available for collection from 30 and 31 March 2020, while other categories of grants will be available for collection from 01 April 2020.

 – All channels for access will remain open, including ATMs, retail point of sale devices, Post Offices and cash pay points.

Secondly, we are going to support people whose livelihoods will be affected.

– We are in consultation on a proposal for a special dispensation for companies that are in distress because of COVID-19. Through this proposal employees will receive wage payment through the Temporary Employee Relief Scheme, which will enable companies to pay employees directly during this period and avoid retrenchment.

 – Any employee who falls ill through exposure at their workplace will be paid through the Compensation Fund.

 – Commercial banks have been exempted from provisions of the Competition Act to enable them to develop common approaches to debt relief and other necessary measures.

Thirdly, we are assisting businesses that may be in distress.

 – Using the tax system, we will provide a tax subsidy of up to R500 per month for the next four months for those private sector employees earning below R6,500 under the Employment Tax Incentive. This will help over 4 million workers. 

 – The South African Revenue Service will also work towards accelerating the payment of employment tax incentive reimbursements from twice a year to monthly to get cash into the hands of compliant employers as soon as possible.

 – Tax compliant businesses with a turnover of less than R50 million will be allowed to delay 20% of their pay-as-you-earn liabilities over the next four months and a portion of their provisional corporate income tax payments without penalties or interest over the next six months. This intervention is expected to assist over 75 000 small and medium-term enterprises.

 – We are exploring the temporary reduction of employer and employee contributions to the Unemployment Insurance Fund and employer contributions to the Skill Development Fund. 

 – The Department of Small Business Development has made over R500 million available immediately to assist small and medium enterprises that are in distress through a simplified application process. 

– The Industrial Development Corporation has put a package together with the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition of more than R3 billion for industrial funding to address the situation of vulnerable firms and to fast-track financing for companies critical to our efforts to fight the virus and its economic impact.

 – The Department of Tourism has made an additional R200 million available to assist SMEs in the tourism and hospitality sector who are under particular stress due to the new travel restrictions.

The President urged South Africans to act in the interest of other South Africans and “not in their own selfish interests.”

“We will prioritise the lives and livelihoods of our people above all else and will use all of the measures that are within our power to protect them from the economic consequences of this pandemic. I call on all of us, one and all, to play our part. To be courageous, to be patient and above all, to show compassion. Let us never despair. For we are a nation at one, and we will surely prevail,” President Ramaphosa said.

The Bulletin will keep you updated on the Nationwide Lockdown.

Community News. Original – Accurate – First