Home Town News Bethal E-learning at Curro Secunda during lockdown

E-learning at Curro Secunda during lockdown

E-learning at Curro Secunda during lockdown

Curro Secunda is focusing on e-learning and assisting our learners to make the most of the lockdown period and keep up to date with their schoolwork.

Through the schools e-learning initiative, teachers are able to teach their classes and keep up to date with the Curro curriculum.

“Even though it is difficult to teach during the lockdown, as teachers we still give our 150% to ensure our students are up to date and we are there to support them at any time,” said one teacher.

“Once the lockdown has been lifted, we will be able to do a full skills gap analysis to identify the challenges we have to concentrate on to ensure the success of our students.”

Well done to all the students at Curro Secunda for their dedication and discipline!


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