Monday, January 20, 2025

Comprehensive Sexuality Education: educate yourself


In the last few months, there has been an uproar as parents are fighting against the new Comprehensive Sexuality Education curriculum that is being piloted in 1500 public schools across the country.
The CSE curriculum is being funded by USAID (United States Agency of International Development) to implement the scripted UNESCO lesson plans. The government won’t release the names of the schools and the only way to find out is to phone your child’s/children’s school/s. This curriculum will be implemented without the knowledge or consent of parents.
In the handbooks, children are being taught about culture, HIV/Aids, respecting the bodies of others, only to mention a few. The lesson plans were carefully planned with group activities and individual activities.
On the Department of Basic Education (DBE) website, the department makes it clear that this is not sex education nor does it teach children to have sex. The department also states: “A significant number of adolescents and youth, especially within the age group between 14 to 24, are losing their lives due to HIV/ AIDS and TB. Female learners are dropping out of school before completing their studies because of teenage pregnancy and a large number of female learners are victims of sexual gender-based.”
The DBE also states on their website: “The core aim of CSE and the new structured lesson plans is to help learners build an understanding of concepts, content, values and attitudes around sexuality, sexual behaviour as well as leading safe and healthy lives.”
In December, Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga replied to DA MP Nomsa Marchesi, in Cape Town: “Teachers who refuse to teach comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) face being hauled before a disciplinary hearing by the Basic Education Department.” This is according to a written response to a parliamentary question by DA MP Nomsa Marchesi.
On 23 January, a meeting between the DBE, UNESCO and religious leaders, from across the spectrum, was hosted at the Fire & Ice Hotel, Menlyn, Pretoria. If you watch the videos it would appear that the aim of the meeting was to insult and bash the religious community. The DBE and UNESCO informed the religious leaders that they were out of touch, spreading homophobia and did not read the curriculum properly. This information session appeared to be a “get-on-board-or-else” mission according to sources. The mics of religious leaders were unplugged and they could not express their concerns about the curriculum.
At the session, the DBE also expressed their intention to roll the programme out as a compulsory subject in all schools, from Grades R – 12, in 2021. That is over 12 million students.
The DBE makes it sound like a wonderful curriculum but the public outcry to stop teaching children, as young as 10-years-old, this curriculum has been phenomenal. One such group is #Leaveourkidsalone.
Lauren Evanthia started the group last year. In a few short months 133 094 people have joined the Facebook group, #Leaveourkidsalone, in support of Lauren to ensure that this curriculum will not be taught in schools.
This group is to ensure that parents are aware of what their children are being taught in schools and not be left in the dark. “PLEASE NOTE: We as a group are not against sex-ed for children, we are against the government’s version of sex-ed given to the whole class without considering individual circumstances.” This statement is from the website.
A movement on 13 February, same day as the State of the Nation Address (SONA), parents, grandparents, teachers and anybody who would like to join, has been organised. The organiser of the GMM movement, Mrs Michelle Booyzen, spoke to The Bulletin.
“One of the things is that they are not teaching kids about sexual health, they are teaching them what their rights are. Sex Ed has been taught in schools from 2000 but teachers were allowed to filter what they want to teach the kids.” She continued: “There are only 14 confirmed schools, that we know of, taking part in the CSE pilot programme. Angie Motshekga also said that there is no opting out. If you do not want your child in the CSE class, you can remove your child for that period, home school your child or send your child to a private school.”
Michelle also mentioned the fact that there are kids in schools who were abused, grow up in abusive homes or are still being abused. “This will only cause these children more trauma.”
For more information contact Mrs Michelle Booyzen: 082 647 5731.
– Ané Prinsloo
Sources: errol+naidoo+religious+groups+silenced