Monday, March 3, 2025

Water problems persist in Govan Mbeki Municipality


Residents in Evander and Bethal are infuriated with the current water situation. Both towns have been struggling with either no water or poor pressure.
The problems in Evander started on 13 December when a pipe burst and the reservoir ran dry. Residents have been venting their frustrations on every platform possible. The group called “Evander/Secunda Wyk18” was particularly busy with tempers flaring.
One of the major problems is that some areas would be affected and others not. GMM struggled to get the reservoir to an acceptable level so that the water distribution could begin only to have pressure problems.
The problem was later identified and was reported as follows by DA Cllr Mariaan Chamberlain: “I think we have discovered why the reservoir was run dry. Currently, we don’t know who is to blame or which shift. A valve was not closed. Thank you to a wake-up resident in Graz street area who heard this, took a video and reported it to the call centre. The video was taken at a stormwater drain.”
Mariaan posted another message a little later with the following content, “I have spoken to a qualified person now. Indeed, it is what they do. This valve is in a manhole. Which the team opens to release pressure in the pipeline so the work on the burst pipe can be done. Then they forget where they have opened the valves (In Secunda and think all over they also open fire hydrants). The low pressure in GRAZ street was reported not once…but many times. Someone must get sjambok.”
A lot of blame was placed on GMM not paying Rand Water but even after the payment was received the problem persisted. The valve was closed and the problem fixed.
Evander residents decided to do something about the situation and contacted Carte Blanch. One post to Carte Blanch read (Translation): “We have had enough! We have been sitting without water for days and the municipality is doing just what they want. No reasons why large sections of the town are without water. Can you help with an investigation?”
Residents commented on the post asking for help.
The problem in Bethal is a different story altogether. Certain areas have water and others not. It is the same as December 2018/ January 2019 when all the reservoirs ran dry and some residents didn’t have any supply for up to 26 days.
The Bulletin is engaging with various stakeholders to try and get to the root of the problem.
Here are some comments:
“I hope that the resevior stay full now,,,Because off the rain ~ I really get tired off all the stories and explaining…When will the truth come to the point..Every week the some old story…..”
“My feedback from the official now was. …bacause the reservoir was empty yesterday…they closed the outlet early yesterday and right through the night. Reservoir currently at 50%, and they are pumping to the town.”
as well as
“Somehow we as Evander residents have to stand together even if it’s just by sending an email to draw attention to our problem”
“So for years the demand was same as the inflow? And the fact that some areas hav water ND others not is confusing, don’t we all use the same reservoir reserves?”
and lastly
“Sure all the residents will aggree at the moment gmm is a zero on n contract feel nothing for basic service delivery our constitutional right to have water”