Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Tsalanang Flats: a rubbish dump?


The rubbish keeps on piling up at Tsalanang Flats in eMbalenhle. Residents informed The Bulletin that for years no refuse had been collected at Tsalanang Flats.
On Friday, 3 January, some residents decided to burn the rubbish that kept on piling up at the collection centres at the flats. Unfortunately, the nature of the building was not considered, and the building was gutted. People that own a car wash at the entrance also made no effort to extinguish the fire although they were using the fire hose at that time.
The Bulletin was told that Govan Mbeki Municipality only responded with a refuse truck once the residents of Tsalanang flats threatened to dump their refuse at the new rebuilt Municipal buildings. “The truck came once and did not return,” The Bulletin was told: “only one truck is operational for the whole Emba, four others are grounded with no licences.”
The Bulletin has been reporting on the plight of the residents of Tsalanang Flats for a long time. The situation has worsened since The Bulletin’s last visit in 2019. All the flats are now occupied and the strain on the failing infrastructure has increased, resulting in more sewer leakages and water spillages.
One such spillage has been running for months, spilling fresh drinking water into the streets.
No upgrading of the old buildings has been done and no infrastructure has been improved. The Bulletin will be visiting Tsalanang Flats again this year and will continue to report on the inhumane living conditions.

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