We have a winner in our snow photo competition
Thank you to everyone that entered their photos in our Snow Photo Competition.
It proved to be a mammoth task as we received over 3000 photos of the snow. There were several excellent photos. Unfortunately, it would appear that some people decided to enter the same photos as other people. Even photos of publicised photos were submitted.
But now we can announce the winner. We have also decided to award two winners. One for a landscape photograph and one for a photo with people in it.
We also decided to award a second prize of R250 and a third prize of R150.
We will contact the winners directly.
Also read: Photographers excel at club meeting
Here are the winning two photographs with the 2nd and 3rd placed below.
Joint Winners
2nd place
3rd place
Here is a link to a collection of photographs that we received. This is only a handful of the photographs and in no way all of them. It only shows the beauty and fun of the day: The Bulletin Snow Competition
Thank you to everyone that participated and shared their experience with us.