Friday, February 21, 2025

Sanbs recently held their donor awards function.


The long-awaited SANBS donor for Life awards (Teksa branch) took place at Graceland recently

Several people were honoured for their commitment to SANBS with rewards for donating several units of blood.
The following special guests were welcomed:
Willem van der Merwe – Senior Specialist: Donor Relations
Ronald Marsh – Zone Donor Manager
Asanda Msileni – Head of Donor Relations: Mpumalanga
All the donors that received their awards, the staff as well as the donor committee.

Willem van der Merwe, Sr Sanet Kalse, James van Wyk (250 units donated), Ronald Marsh and Encee van Huyssteen

The Covid pandemic put a huge damper on the donor awards during 2020 and 2021. The hall was beautifully decorated and all the recipients and guests were eagerly waiting for the function to commence. There were nearly 400 guests in the hall.

Willem van der Merwe gave a little insight into the developments within SANBS with donations and the distribution of the units. The drone program was also mentioned where two routes have been approved for drone delivery of blood. The first in the world!

The Branch Donor Committee Chairperson, Encee van Huyssteen, spoke about Donor Governance, He explained how the various committees work and where they fit in in the organisation. The requirements to become a committee member were also explained.

Three donor committee members were also honoured for their long service to the committee.

Sr Sanet Kalse: Collection Manager Teksa Branch gave oversight of the branch performance for the past year.


It was time for the big moment. The Awards!

Dot Prinsloo, Donor Relations Practitioner of the Teksa branch explained the process and the difficulties of handing out awards during the covid period with all the restrictions. However, some milestone donors did receive their awards at the clinics where they usually donated. Even though they already received their medals they were still honoured during the event and would only be called to receive congratulations while others would be handed their rewards on stage.

Here are some of the recipients (best seen on a computer screen):

The awards were given for Club25 youth campaign, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 175, 200, 225 and even 250 units.

James van Wyk was the real guest of honour with his 250 units donated. It takes dedication and commitment to reach milestones such as his.

Thank you to everyone that makes SANBS such an exceptional place to be part of.

“It is not just blood, it’s life,” said Dot Prinsloo.

The evening ended with a Buffet dinner and everyone took some time to enjoy the rest of the evening.