Thursday, February 27, 2025

Restaurants continue under strict measures during the State of Disaster


The restrictions of the State of Disaster have far reaching consequences for several industries.

One such industry is the food and beverage industry. Restaurants will have to restrict their patrons to 50 unless certain conditions are met.

The minister published in the Government Gazette; regulations that need to be followed until the end of the State of Disaster.

Here is the preamble of the regulations as published in the Government Gazette dated 18 March 2020


I, Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, designated under Section 3 of the Disaster Management Act, 2002 (Act No. 57 of 2002) ( “the Act “), having declared a national state of disaster, published in Government Gazette No. 43096 on 15 March 2020, in terms of Section 27(2) of the Act, after consulting the relevant Cabinet members, hereby make the Regulations set out in the schedule hereto regarding the steps necessary to prevent an escalation of the disaster or to alleviate, contain and minimise the effects of the disaster

The restaurant industry had severe restrictions imposed that meant all restaurants selling liquor must close from 18H00 until 09H00 the next day. This meant that the industry would suffer tremendous financial setbacks.

The Restaurant Association of South Africa on Monday said restaurants would not close amid the coronavirus outbreak in the country.

The association said it had been advised by Tourism Minister Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane to stay open for business by following the necessary precautionary measures.

The association’s Wendy Alberts said they would follow all health guidelines.

Listen to her voice clip here:

Wendy Alberts from The Restaurant Association of South Africa

The regulations are very strict regarding the selling of alcohol. No alcohol after 6 at night. Taverns and pubs are also not allowed to sell any liquor after 18H00.

Here are the full regulations on restaurants as Gazetted.

Limitation on the sale, dispensing or transportation of liquor

8. (1) All on-consumption premises selling liquor, including taverns, restaurants and

clubs, must be closed with immediate effect, or must accommodate no more than 50 persons

at any time: Provided that adequate space is available and that all directions in respect of

hygienic conditions and limitation of exposure to persons with COVID-19, are adhered to.

 (2) All premises selling liquor which provide accommodation must implement

measures to stop the spread of COVID-19: Provided that adequate space is available and

that all directions in respect of hygienic conditions and limitation of exposure to persons with

COVID-19 are adhered to.

(3) No special or events liquor licenses may be considered for approval during

the duration of the national state of disaster.

(4) All on-consumption premises selling liquor referred to in sub regulation (1)

must be closed —

(i) between 18:00 and 09:00 the next morning on weekdays and Saturdays; and

(ii) from 13:00 on Sundays and public holidays.

(5) All off-consumption premises selling liquor must be closed —

(i) between 18:00 and 09:00 the next morning on weekdays and Saturdays; and

(ii) from 13:00 on Sundays and public holidays.