Jaco Horn cleared on all charges
Jaco Horn was cleared on all charges as the case was struck from the roll by the Secunda Magistrates Court on 25 April.

The charges originated from an incident where a suspect died after being shot at and chased from Secunda Mall.
Night Guard Security, chased a suspect from the mall to the Graceland golf course after firing shots at him at the Mall.
Calls were made on several channels for help and people responded.
Several shots were fired at the fleeing suspect by several people including 5 guards from Night Guard Security. Night Guard is contracted by Secunda Mall.
The suspect ran onto the golf course at Graceland Hotel where he succumbed to a gunshot wound in the leg.
Watch the initial report HERE.
The Bulletin learned (from reliable sources) that after obtaining statements a decision was made to arrest Mr Horn.
During the Bail applications, that The Bulletin attended, Horn’s defence had to drag a confession from the investigating officer that other people fired shots. There was no clear evidence that Mr Horn fired any shots. A reason for having the case struck from the roll.
The Bulletin learned that the statements implicating Horn were taken from other shooters. The information provided to The Bulletin was that the statements said that they saw Horn shoot. This could not be proved.
Several people were quick to judge Horn purely on the fact that he was arrested. Horn had to step aside as CPF Chairman while the case was ongoing.
A local publication even blatantly said that Horn shot the victim from behind.
No other arrests were made in connection with the man’s death, even though several shooters were identified.