Sunday, January 19, 2025

DA call on Cele to investigate Farm Arson


DA maak ‘n beroep op minister van Polisie, Beki Cele, om deeglike ondersoeke te loots na voorvalle van brandstigting op plase

Issued by Henro Kruger MP – DA Member of Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development

Henro Kruger MP – DA Member of Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development

Die Demokratiese Alliansie (DA) veroordeel brandstigting deur kriminele wat ons boere skade aan doen. Die kwaadwillige dade wat ons boere se reserwe voer vernietig is daarop gemik om onstabiliteit op ons plase te weeg te bring. Dit stel nie net voedselsekuriteit in gedrang nie maar het ook ‘n wesenlike invloed op die veiligheid van ons boere, hul families en werkers.

Die winter seisoen hou vir die landbou sektor aansienlike gevaar in deur dat menige plase in verskeie streke geteiken word deur kwaadwillige brandstigters. Hierdie aanvalle veroorsaak skade aan oeste, infrastruktuur en lewendehawe. Die geweldige finansiële verliese beteken ‘n negatiewe inpak op ons boere se vermoëns om die nasie te voed.

“Daar moet dringend aandag gegee word aan die onderliggende redes vir hierdie sinnelose dade,” sê Henro Kruger MP – DA Lid op die Portefeuljekomitee oor Landbou, Grondhervorming en Landelike Ontwikkeling, “Die DA is van mening dat ANC volstruis politiek speel en die regering wegskram wanneer dit kom by die knelpunte van die landbou sektor.”

“Die landbou sektor moet deur die regering gemotiveer en nie moedeloos gelaat word nie. Die staat moet veiligheid en die welstand van die boere en werkers op plase voor op die lys stel,” sê Kruger, “ Tydens Bheki Cele, Minister van Polisie, se onlangse begrotingsdebat, het hy versuim om enige vordering wat gemaak is met landelike veiligheid of landelike misdaad in sy toespraak te noem.”

“Ten spyte van die onlangse ontwikkeling van ‘n ‘Landelike Veiligheidstrategie’, is daar reeds twyfel oor die SAPD se verbintenis tot die strategie en of ons boere die vrugte daarvan gaan pluk.”

Die DA versoek dus die Minister van Polisie om deeglike ondersoeke te loots in al die voorvalle van brandstigting op plase gedurende 2023. Ons moet hierdie dade met wortel en tak uitroei. Dit is uiters belangrik dat die kriminele, verantwoordelik vir hierdie lafhartigde dade, behoorlik aan die pen moet ry. Brandstigting moet onmiddelik stop gesit word, sodat ons boere en hul werkers veilig kan voel in hulle werksomgewing.

Die DA is in solidariteit met die geafekteerde boere, hul families en plaaswerkers en bly verbind tot die bevordering van die regte van ons landbou gemeenskappe. Die DA neem kennis van hierdie onaanvaarbare uitdagings van ons voedselvevaardigers en staan aan die sy van die boer tot die ontwikkeling van ruim voedselsekuriteit vir al die inwoners van Suid Afrika.

Wees deel van die missie om Suid-Afrika te red, registreer korrek om nou te stem by

Destruction and death in the wake of a devastating Free State veld fire (News24). Foto: Mlungisi Louw

The Democratic Alliance (DA) condemns arson by criminals who harm our farmers. The malicious acts that destroy our farmers’ reserve feed are aimed at bringing instability to our farms. This not only jeopardizes food security but also has a significant impact on the safety of our farmers, their families and workers.

“The winter season poses a considerable danger to the agricultural sector as many farms in various regions are targeted by malicious arsonists,” said Henro Kruger MP – DA Member of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development, “These attacks cause damage to crops, infrastructure and livestock. The enormous financial losses mean a negative impact on our farmers’ abilities to feed the nation.”

“Urgent attention needs to be given to the underlying reasons for these senseless acts,” said Kruger, “The DA is of the opinion that the ANC is playing ostrich politics and the government is shying away from the bottlenecks in the agricultural sector.”

Also read: Kruger National Park prepares for peak fire season

The agricultural sector must be motivated by the government and not left discouraged. The state must put the safety and well-being of the farmers and workers on farms first on the list. During Police Minister Bheki Cele’s recent budget debate, he failed to mention any progress made on rural security or rural crime in his speech. Despite the recent development of a ‘Rural Security Strategy’, there are already doubts about the SAPS’s commitment to the strategy and whether our farmers will reap the benefits.

A copy of the latest Rural Security Strategy presentation can be accessed HERE

The DA, therefore, requests the Minister of Police to launch thorough investigations into all incidents of arson on farms during 2023. We must eradicate these acts at ground level. It is extremely important that the criminals responsible for these cowardly acts are brought to justice. Arson must be stopped immediately so that our farmers and their workers can feel safe in their working environment.

The DA stands in solidarity with the affected farmers, their families and farm workers and remains committed to promoting the rights of our agricultural communities. The DA takes note of these unacceptable challenges to our food manufacturers and stands by the farmer’s side in the development of ample food security for all the inhabitants of South Africa.

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