Monday, March 3, 2025

The Myths and the legends of the metal community, history of the metal genre in South Africa, Part 4


Here we are, at the final part of the 4-part series and I feel it’s only justified by an introduction of the members as well as their glorious albums they have released over the years, so that metal and non-metal fans may get acquainted with their amazing art!
Cliff Grabb, born 1971, he plays the throat, yes, the vocalist. With various ranges of high and low, from brutal growls to beautiful clean singing to contrast.
Robbie Riebler, born 14 September 1975, with a bass guitar in his hands! Truly a beast on the bass guitar and backing vocals. Bassists are somewhat under-rated, especially considering that it helps to pack more punch into the fist that is Agro! Brilliant musician, in the studio and on stage! What do you throw at a drowning bass player? His amp.
Alex Temperly, born 4 September 1988, if you felt him kick as a baby, you probably felt the paradiddles and double kicks that enriched and carried the sound of the legendary Agro.
Martin John Dugdale, shreds and chugs on the guitar, melting faces, marking places, never to be forgotten. Though the mysterious figure has little info on the web, his skill is obviously evident.
Ian Gertenbach, previous guitarist for 11th Hour. This legendary Gauteng guitarist brought forth the iconic melodic sound overshadowed by the heaviness that one cannot help but head bang to, born on 5 September, he’s still carrying on with his musical career.
Will Agro return and make SA metal unique once more? Or is it in the hands of the future artists to learn from this unique legacy? – Henco