Wednesday, February 26, 2025

L & A’s 1st Wicked Wednesday!


Is it Wednesday already? Time sure flies when you’re having fun! This is the first article of L & A’s Wicked Wednesdays! What’s Wicked Wednesday you may wonder – it is our lifestyle edition, where you can expect to find articles about anything and everything lifestyle related.

Wicked Wednesday’s can include topics about DIY hair masks to changing a tyre, how to live a greener lifestyle to the best hangover cures – anything goes with Wicked Wednesdays!

READ ALSO: Everything About Our Third Spring Range

Our first Wicked Wednesday article is going to assist our readers in living a greener lifestyle by giving you six tips.

Living a cleaner, more eco-friendly lifestyle does not have to mean changing your whole way of life. It can be incredibly simple and easy. The fact that you have decided to make a change means you have crossed the most difficult step.

Start by focusing on smaller changes you can make easily before you tackle the more difficult steps of your eco-friendly resolution.

READ ALSO: Put the Spring back into your step with these 6 simple tips!

Here are some easy and small changes you can make in your everyday life to help you live an eco-friendlier lifestyle:

  • Eat Less Meat

This sounds like a huge sacrifice, but it does not require you to cut meat out completely, simply eating less.

Cutting back on your consumption of meat can make an enormous difference in the environment.

More than 30 percent of the Earth’s surface is being used to raise and support livestock. Cutting back on your meat consumption is a crucial step in reducing the overall emission of GWP gases.

Less livestock also means more land we can enjoy and use for recreation. Consider replacing some of your meat-heavy meals with vegetables or eating more seafood!

L & A’s 1st Wicked Wednesday!
Consider replacing some of your meat-heavy meals with vegetables or eating more seafood!
  • Borrow, Don’t Buy

It is easy to waste money on things that you can easily borrow.

Rent movies, borrow books from libraries and buy second-hand goods when possible.

By purchasing and using pre-owned items, you reduce those items that need to be kept in a landfill and save yourself money. 

L & A’s 1st Wicked Wednesday!
Purchase pre-owned items
  • Reduce Your Water Waste

Enhance your eco-friendly lifestyle by using less water and cutting back on your bottled water purchases.

Take a shorter shower in the morning or install a low-flow shower head.

Cutting back on bottled water purchases is easy.

Buy yourself a stainless steel bottle and a water filter for your tap water. 

L & A’s 1st Wicked Wednesday!
Buy yourself a stainless steel bottle and a water filter for your tap water. 
  • Use Less Paper

The world we live in today is much more reliant on computers and digital technology.

It is easy to go a day without using a notebook or even a piece of paper.

The less paper you use, the less paper needs to be produced and the more trees that get to fill our forests. 

L & A’s 1st Wicked Wednesday!
The less paper you use, the less paper needs to be produced and the more trees that get to fill our forests. 
  • Turn it off!

Energy conservation is one of the most important things you can do to reduce your carbon footprint.

If you are not home, do not leave lights on unnecessarily. 

Leaving your electrical items on standby needlessly uses up energy – hit the off switch and you could see huge improvements, most noticeably in your energy bills.

L & A’s 1st Wicked Wednesday!
Do not leave lights on unnecessarily.
  • Grow Your Green Finger

This point is two-fold: grow your own veggies, this will not only save you money, but it is also a wonderful way to cut down your carbon footprint and be eco-friendly and plant some trees while you are at it! 

Ecological sustainability is especially important when it comes to eco-friendly living.

Without a stable ecosystem, things start to fall apart.

Insist on planting more native trees, this will help to protect the environment and improve air quality.

L & A’s 1st Wicked Wednesday!
Plant more native trees