Thursday, February 27, 2025




Project Background

Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) has been acknowledged by South Africa (SA) as one of the technologies to mitigate the emission of CO2 into the atmosphere and forms one of the Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMA) against climate change. It is also one of the national flagship projects. CCUS forms part of a just transition to a future low-carbon energy economy.

The Council for Geoscience (CGS) is undertaking a geoscientific research project for the piloting of CCUS in Leandra in Mpumalanga, where it is proposed to inject CO2 into deep suitable geological formations, approximately 1km below the surface. The Government of SA has received funding from the World Bank’s International Bank for Reconstruction and Development to finance the CCUS project and intends to apply part of the proceeds for conducting Geological Characterisation comprising, amongst others, of drilling exploration boreholes and undertaking high-resolution 3D seismic survey at the proposed site. This notice only focuses on the Geological Characterisation component of the overall CCUS.


3D Seismic Survey and Drilling

The proposed drilling site is located along the R29 from Leandra to Kinross and is bounded to the south by a railway line from Secunda to Springs. The area earmarked for the 3D seismic survey encompasses most of the town of Leandra, as well as rural areas to the east and north-east.

The boreholes will be cored from the top of the bedrock to total depth with a minimum hole diameter of c. 95 mm. At various intervals during the drilling, suites of geophysical instruments will be installed in the borehole to obtain geophysical information. In addition, tests to determine the presence and quantity of gasses, e.g., hydrocarbons/light gasses, and tests to determine hydrological information will be conducted at systematic horizons, e.g., where water strikes are intersected, in the borehole.

The purpose of the high-resolution 3D survey for the CCUS Project is to map the structures, reservoir and seal rocks in detail over the identified potential injection site. The 3D survey will also establish the baseline for future time-lapse CO2 monitoring activities. The seismic waves will be induced by vibrating truck-mounted heavy plates on the ground. These specialised trucks are known as “Vibroseis”. By analysing the time it takes for the seismic waves to reflect off subsurface formations and return to the surface, formations can be mapped. 3D surveys are acquired by laying out energy source points (vibroseis) and receiver points (geophones) in a grid over the area to be surveyed.

Environmental and Social Impact Assessment

Nemai Consulting was appointed by the CGS to undertake the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for the 3D seismic survey and drilling required as part of the CCUS Project.

The ESIA must satisfy the following:
• The World Bank Environmental and Social Framework, the General Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) Guidelines, Industry specific EHS Guidelines and Good International Industry Practice (GIIP); and
• SA’s environmental legal requirements.

Note that a separate consultant is undertaking the ESIA for the injection phase of the CCUS Project.

Stakeholder Engagement

Stakeholder engagement will be undertaken as part of the ESIA. The following public meeting will be held to provide a platform for project-related discussions and to obtain input from stakeholders:

Date: 15 March 2023
Time: 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Venue: Difa Nkosi Hall, Leandra (coordinates: 26°22’35.08″S, 28°55’19.72″E)

Please submit your contact information and any comments that you may have regarding the proposed CCUS: 3D seismic survey and drilling to the contact person below by 28 March 2023.

Contact Details of Environmental Assessment Practitioner:

Contact Person: Donavan Henning
Tel: (011) 781 1730
Fax: (011) 781 1731
Postal Address: PO Box 1673, Sunninghill, 2157