Sunday, October 6, 2024



Any allergies are far from a pleasant experience for anyone, but our cherished pets are not exempt from this health challenge. The incessant scratching or the occasional sneezing fit are not mere quirks but potential signs of allergies that our pets might be struggling with silently. As devoted caregivers, it falls upon us to identify these signals, empathize with their discomfort, and take proactive steps toward their relief.

Allergies is not a simple topic and it is important to always discuss this with your vet and not to follow advice online from non-qualified individuals. Your vet knows your pet’s individual health better, but you are your pet’s advocate and you need to be informed too. What I share here, I learned from trusted vets, Dr. Karen Becker and Dr. Judy Morgan who are passionate about education and keeping pets healthy, naturally.

Allergic reactions are produced by your pet’s immune system, and the way their immune system functions is a result of both nature (genetics) and nurture (environment). 


  • Itchy skin or redness
  • Licking and chewing at their body
  • Regular digestive problems like cramps, bloating, excessive gas, chronic diarrhea, etc.
  • Ear infections and shaking or scratching their ears.
  • Tiredness
  • Eye irritation (less common)



As the seasons change, you might notice your pet’s itching and scratching thanks to seasonal environmental allergies. Dr. Karen shares that seasonal allergies in pets almost always involve the skin rather than the eyes and respiratory tract and that animals with seasonal allergies are typically very itchy, and the itch-scratch cycle results in irritated, inflamed skin, hot spots, and secondary infections. This is why it is important to address it immediately, even prevent it!

Image by Dr. Karen Becker

4 Classic symptoms of seasonal allergies (Dr. Karen Becker)

  • Intense itchiness. Dogs and cats with allergies are usually very itchy. They scratch at themselves and may show signs of irritability. Some might bite or chew at a specific area of the body, while others are itchy from nose to tail. You may catch your pet rubbing his body against your furniture or along the carpet to help relieve that awful itch.
  • Hair loss and skin issues. As the itch-scratch cycle worsens, the skin becomes inflamed and tender, which can set the stage for secondary infections. There might also be areas of hair loss and oozing or crusty sores, including hot spots — areas of inflamed, infected skin resulting from an overgrowth of normal skin bacteria.
  • Problems with the ears and feet. Pets with seasonal allergies typically have issues with their ears and feet. The ear canals grow itchy and inflamed, and they often become infected with yeast or bacteria. Symptoms of an ear infection include scratching at the ears, head shaking, hair loss around the ears, and a bad smell or discharge coming from the ears.
  • Respiratory symptoms. Although it’s uncommon, some pets, especially cats, can develop symptoms like those of an allergic human, such as a runny nose, watery eyes, sneezing, and coughing.


“Food allergy” is a term that is widely used by pet owners and vets, but in most cases, it could be more of an intolerance or sensitivity to certain foods or ingredients, but still something to be addressed. It might not necessarily be a reaction by the immune system, but rather one by the digestive system.  Most vets will probably suggest an elimination diet trial to try and find out what causes the allergy. Remember that you don’t always need the most expensive food on the market to curb the allergy, especially if it is highly processed.

Interesting some studies suggest that the more puppies are offered healthy human table scraps, the more protection they have from developing allergies later in life.


Dust mites survive on a diet of dead skin, bacteria, fungi, and viruses in the environment. They prefer to feed on the skin of hypersensitive (allergic) individuals because the lipids in their skin are different from those of non-allergic people and pets. What makes them allergenic is a protein found in their feces. One important step to help with this is to replace your dog’s bed with a safe, nontoxic pet bed made of organic materials like silk since dust mites can’t survive in silk. Addressing the dust mite load in your home is important too. Some studies show that the most effective method of treatment is to air out fabrics your pet is exposed to on either a hot, sunny or cold, dry day for 12 hours, then vacuuming. Although we can never remove all the dust mites from our home environments, there are many things we can do to reduce their levels.

Consider covering your pet’s bed with a dust mite cover that can be frequently washed to help reduce allergen contamination that she may be bringing in from outside.

It’s important to note that fleas aren’t typically attracted to healthy pets. They’re drawn to the weakest animals they can find, first, so one of the best defenses against flea infestations is to feed your dog a nutritionally balanced, species-appropriate fresh-food diet that will help keep his immune system functioning optimally. They still need tick and flea treatment and Dr. Karen suggests opting for non-toxic or chemical treatments on the market.


There are so many other things in the environment and your home that can cause allergies to certain pets.  Mold, pollen, trees, certain plants (some even toxic to pets), grass, even your stay soft, cleaning products, their toys and bedding, your deodorants/perfume or scented candles, and the fumes of non-stick cookware might hold risks for pets too. Have you ever considered the health impact of what products you use on your lawn or in your garden? Anything applied to your lawn will end up in your pet.  It is important, as their guardian (owner) to create a safe environment for them and to keep them healthy.


  • Food sensitivity testing
  • Environmental allergies
  • Gut microbiome analysis


  • High meat, high moisture
  • Start with a cooling, novel protein like Rabbit, Pork or Duck (Dr. Judy)
  • Whole food ingredients
  • Minimize synthetic additives
  • Supplement it with essential fatty acids (EFA) and lauric acid

According to a more recent study from Nestlé Purina Research, rotating “the superfood” Spirulina into your pet’s diet plan can help prevent or relieve food intolerances (aka food allergies) by supporting intestinal immune function. An unexpected part of the study was when they fed the dogs Spirulina before a Rabies shot, the dogs had a faster and stronger induction of rabies antibody production! Basically, Spirulina helped supercharge the protection against Rabies!


  • Quercetin
  • Nettles
  • Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA)
  • Bee pollen
  • Reishi
  • Colostrum

Dr. Judy Morgan shares the following:

“Offer natural antihistamine support to your pet. There are supplements I routinely prescribe to pets with seasonal allergic issues starting with quercetin, which is a bioflavonoid with anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antihistamine properties. I call it “nature’s Benadryl,” because it’s very effective at suppressing histamine release. Herbs such as stinging nettle, butterbur, sorrel, verbena, chickweed, and cat’s claw have a documented history of helping animals combat seasonal allergic responses. Long ago these herbs were used only in humans, but in the last hundred years, veterinary herbalists have successfully used them with dogs and cats as well. Many Chinese herbal formulas can also help.

Locally produced honey contains a small amount of pollen from the local area that can help desensitize the body to local allergens over time. Usually, the best place to find local honey is at a farmer’s market or neighborhood health food store. Check with your veterinarian about the right dose for your dog or cat.”


Did you know that approximately 70% of your pet’s immune system resides in their gut? That means the healthier their gut microbiome is, the healthier they’ll be overall because it’s their immune system that defends them against lifelong insults. Probiotics are one way to support pets’ immune function and gut health.

The authors of The Forever Dog, which includes Dr. Karen, writes how coconut meat or unsweetened dried coconut chips are the perfect single-ingredient treat for dogs suffering from food allergies. It has been shown to improve beneficial gut bacteria and strengthen the gut lining. 

Image by Dr. Karen Becker


  • Any unnecessary medications (including antibiotics and steroids)
  • Flea/tick/heartworm chemicals
  • Unnecessary vaccines
  • Immune suppressants like Cytopoint, Apoquel, or Atopica

This is a controversial topic and should not be seen as medical advice, so discuss the risk-benefit of it with your vet. Also talk to your integrative veterinarian about giving your pet natural antihistamines, and if necessary, consider a desensitization protocol ideally initiated before the start of allergy season. This can help your pet’s immune system quiet down. It can be achieved through a technique called Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Techniques (NAET) performed by practitioners trained to treat dogs and cats, or through sublingual immunotherapy.

Dr. Karen Becker recommends immunotherapy (allergy shots or under-the-tongue drops) because this approach helps “train” the immune system to be less reactive over time. This is a much safer long term solution than merely suppressing symptoms (via immuno-suppressant drugs like cyclosporine or corticosteroids). She prefers to hold off on the powerful drugs that shut down the immune system, and instead, deal with the animal’s environment first, in conjunction with some other safe, common sense steps.

Read more about ticks and fleas and how to get rid of them naturally here, read Dr. Karen’s article on fleas or listen to Dr. Judy’s allergy playlist.


It’s important to remove the environmental factors that can negatively impact your dog’s immune system, including:

  • Poor water quality – make sure to provide fluoride- and chlorine-free drinking water.
  • Too many vaccines – You can ask your vet to run a titer test first instead of giving unnecessary vaccinations.
  • Toxic household chemical load – eliminate dog beds treated with PBDEs (flame retardants) and toxic household cleaners.
  • Yard chemicals – eliminate pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers around your home.
  • EMFs – Provide your dog with a safe zone that’s free from toxic levels of electromagnetic fields from electrical devices in the home.
  • Add a natural flea/tick preventative.
  • During allergy season, keep windows closed as much as possible, and change the filters on your heating or air circulation unit often. Invest in an air purifier to remove allergens inside the house.

Please choose to use cruelty-free products (cleaning & cosmetics) in your home too.


Since dogs and cats who are outside a lot collect millions of allergens, it’s just common sense to rinse them off, which can provide immediate relief for irritated, inflamed skin. Simple home remedies can dramatically reduce your pet’s intense itch by removing the allergens causing them and helping them enjoy life more! Once warm weather arrives, rinse your pet regularly and do daily foot soaks and eye rinses.

When it’s time to actually bathe pets (when they’re stinky, dirty, or have a skin infection), Dr. Karen recommends using only grain-free and pH-balanced shampoos. Oatmeal is a carbohydrate and carbs can feed yeast; she doesn’t recommend oatmeal shampoos for yeasty pets. For skin irritation, Hannon’s dog shampoo works best for my dogs.

Follow up with a lemon juice or vinegar rinse to help manage yeast infections. Just add one cup of vinegar or one cup of lemon juice — or 10 drops of peppermint oil with 10 drops of lavender oil — to about 4 liters (a gallon) of water. Since lemon juice can also lighten fur, she usually recommends vinegar or essential oil mixes for dogs with dark coats. Using cooled green tea as a soothing rinse can also help with inflamed and irritated skin. Do not try this if your pet is allergic to the ingredients. Find more health rinses here.

Image by Bark & Whiskers


  • For foot soaks use povidone-iodine (brand name, Betadine), which is an organic iodine solution found at local drug stores.
  • Add just enough water in the foot soak to cover your dog’s feet, and enough iodine to turn the water to the colour of iced tea.
  • Alternative – use white vinegar diluted 50/50 with water, especially if your dog’s coat or paws are light in colour, since Betadine may darken light fur.
  • Can be used once a day.
  • There’s no need to rinse your dog’s feet after the soak. Just pat the paws dry and you’re done.
  • To receive the full benefit of the soak, your dog needs to stand in the solution for 2 to 5 minutes.
  • Keeping the paws submerged is key.
  • Don’t go more than 2 or 3 days using the same foot soak solution.


I frequently use Dr. Karen’s itchy spray recipe which you can spray on several times a day and keep in the fridge. I spray it in my hands and rub on my dog’s body and paws. I am also a big fan of coconut oil to bring soothing relief for many skin issues. As with all this advice, please make sure your pet is not allergic to the products or ingredients and it shouldn’t cause unnecessary stress, so introduce it slowly and offer rewards for it.

Image by Dr. Karen Becker

Also, read why you should not blame the shelters and rescuers.


Many people are allergic to household pets, and cat allergies are twice as common as dog allergies. Another great article by Dr. Karen Becker shared how, contrary to popular belief, pet allergies are not caused by pet hair. Most people with cat allergies for example, react to Fel d 1, a protein found on cat skin. Pet allergies are often also caused by pet dander, saliva, or a specific protein found in intact male dogs.

In an interview with CNN, allergist Dr. Lakiea Wright of Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston explains: “Up to 30% of people who are allergic to dogs are actually allergic to one specific protein that’s made in the prostate of a dog. If you’re allergic to only that specific protein in the male dog, you may be able to tolerate a female or a neutered dog.” This is yet another good reason to get your pets spayed and neutered.


Dr. Karen that if you or a family member loves pets but are allergic to pets, you’ve probably at least considered that a “hypoallergenic” dog or cat might make sense for you. According to the science, there’s no truly hypoallergenic cat or dog, regardless of coat or shedding tendencies, allergenic proteins may still exist on their skin, saliva, and even in their urine. There are however certain breeds that are considered better for allergy sufferers than others and might cause fewer symptoms.

A 2011 study published in The American Journal of Rhinology and Allergy concluded that the amount of dog allergens found in households with dogs does not vary depending on the breed. In other words, families with so-called “hypoallergenic” dogs are living with the same level of allergens in their homes as people with non-hypoallergenic pets.

Image by Dr. Karen Becker

Many people find they’re able to build up a tolerance for their pet over time so they don’t need to give their pet away. If you’re attempting to share your life with a pet and you have a known allergy, first be sure your allergy is not severe, as you don’t want to trigger a life-threatening reaction. If your allergy symptoms are more of a nuisance than a serious health threat, here are some options to help minimize your allergies at home as shared by Dr. Karen Becker:

  • Consider making your bedroom (or the bedroom of your allergic family member) a pet-free zone. This will help keep allergens out.
  • Purchase a high-quality air purifier to help rid the air of allergens and other pollutants.
  • To prevent a buildup of allergens inside your home, replace carpeting with hard flooring, replace drapes and curtains with non-fabric window coverings, and if possible, avoid upholstered furniture.
  • Clean your home often and thoroughly, including any surfaces that trap pet hair and dander (couch covers, pillows, bedding, and pet beds, etc.).
  • Wash bedding at least weekly in hot water.
  • Wash your hands after handling your pet, and if the two of you have been snuggling on the couch, consider a shower and shampoo before retiring to avoid bringing pet allergens to bed with you.
  • Feed your pet an anti-inflammatory (grain-free), balanced, and species-appropriate diet. Reducing or eliminating the allergenic and genetically modified foods your pet eats reduces the allergenic quality of their saliva.
  • Make sure your pet is getting optimal levels of essential fatty acids in their diet to reduce shedding and dander.
  • Bathe your pet regularly, taking care to use only a safe, non-drying herbal animal shampoo.

By recognizing the signs, seeking professional guidance, and making informed choices, we empower ourselves to provide the comfort and relief our pets deserve. If you feel that your vet has just settled for chronic medication for your pet’s allergies, speak up! Ultimately, our commitment to their well-being transcends their allergic struggles, echoing our unwavering dedication to their happiness and health in every facet of their lives. Keep your pets healthy and address the allergies as soon as possible to prevent any further discomfort or pain for your pets.

Next week we will look at the sad reality of prisoners for profit.